In California, a DUI is defined as driving or operating a vehicle while under the influence of any amount of drugs or driving with a blood alcohol content of .08 or above. DUIs are serious infractions. Even though they happen with relative frequency, the court system is very strict about handing out consequences for them. Whether it is your first DUI or your fifth, it’s crucial to have an attorney on your side to fight your case. DUI cases can be difficult to contest, and your only chance of doing so is with an experienced Riverside DUI attorney. Without one, you are likely going to be fined and may even go to jail.

DUI Punishments

The consequences for a DUI depend on your history and whether you have been arrested for a DUI in the past. Though the consequences for a first DUI will be less severe than multiple DUIs, the law still takes them very seriously. There are still significant reprimands on your first offense.

First-Time DUI

  • Six-month license suspension
  • Fines ranging from $300 to $2,000
  • Enrollment in classes about DUIs and victim impact groups
  • Three to five years of probation
  • A misdemeanor on your record
  • Up to six months of jail time

Second DUI

  • Two-year license suspension
  • Fines ranging from $390 to $4,000
  • Enrollment in classes about DUIs and victim impact groups
  • Three to five years of probation
  • A misdemeanor on your record
  • Ninety-six hours to one year in jail

Third DUI

  • Three-year license suspension
  • Fines ranging from $390 to $4,000
  • Enrollment in classes about DUIs and victim impact groups
  • Three to five years of probation
  • A misdemeanor on your record
  • One hundred twenty days to one year in jail

Fourth DUI

  • A fine ranging from $390 to $5,000
  • Sixteen months to four years in jail
  • A felony on your record

Unintentional Consequences of a DUI

Not all the consequences for a DUI are handed out by the courts. Your life will change in other ways, and there will be certain restrictions placed on you based on your punishments. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Trouble finding appropriate housing
  • Trouble finding a job
  • Strain on relationships
  • Reliance on public transportation
  • Ineligibility for certain government programs
  • Higher insurance premiums

18 and Under DUI

If you are under 18 and caught driving under the influence, you are not likely to see very much lenience during punishment. Though you are a minor, the one infraction can affect your entire future. Possible consequences include:

  • Revoked license for one year
  • Colleges and universities may revoke your enrollment or acceptance
  • Three to five months of juvenile probation
  • Enrollment in three to nine months of DUI classes

If a minor has multiple DUIs, or if their DUI results in death or injury, they may be tried as an adult in court. This means that, before even turning 18, you could be facing felony charges and significant time in jail.

Many of these consequences can affect your entire life. To protect your lifestyle and future, it is important to hire a Riverside DUI attorney. We will give you the best possible chance of fighting charges and avoiding the above consequences.

What Can a Riverside DUI Lawyer Do?

DUI cases may seem straightforward, but they often are not. Attorneys have several options when it comes to lines of defense for DUI charges. Your Riverside DUI lawyer will choose the route that makes the most sense in your unique case.

Illegal Traffic Stop

Police officers must have a reason to pull you over. If they do not, or if you were pulled over illegally in some way, their DUI charges are null and void, even if you were above the legal limit. Officers can pull you over for speeding, swerving over the center line, talking, or texting on your phone, tailgating, or driving recklessly. If they do not have a reason to pull you over, the entire case can be thrown out.

Breathalyzer Malfunction

Breathalyzers are flawed pieces of machinery. It is not uncommon for them to misread a test or display the wrong results. What’s more, they are calibrated for adult males. Therefore, if you are not an adult male, there is a chance that the reading will be inaccurate in your case. Many people know when they have had too much to drink and are unable to drive. If you feel sure that you were not over the limit, your attorney may be able to argue that the breathalyzer gave an inaccurate reading.

You Weren’t Driving

DUI laws do not allow intoxicated persons to be inside their cars at all, regardless of if the car is moving or the person is driving. This means that if you know yourself to be drunk and opt to rest in your car for a few hours, police can feasibly arrest you on DUI charges simply for being in your car. Your Riverside DUI attorney may be able to convince the court to drop the charges by arguing that you had no intention of driving and were doing the responsible thing by waiting until you sobered up.

Rising BAC

Another possible argument is that the driver’s blood alcohol content was at a legal level when they got into the car and rose to an illegal limit while the police officer had them stopped. This argument generally works best for those driving a very short distance and who had a blood alcohol content of .08% exactly. In these cases, an attorney can argue that if the police had not stopped the driver, they would have made it to their destination safely and without breaking any laws.

Contact Kathleen G. Alvarado

The attorneys at the Law Offices of Kathleen G. Alvarado have been serving the Riverside community for years. We know and understand the local, state, and federal laws surrounding DUIs, and we will use our expertise to your advantage. No one in the area develops more airtight arguments than we do, and we work tirelessly to defend our clients from unfair or unjust punishment. So, when you trust us with your case, we know what is at stake and fight to preserve your lifestyle and future.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact the Law Offices of Kathleen G. Alvarado today.